Activate one of the access packages and
find a trusted pet sitter

See why we charge these access packages and what they sustain →

You can upgrade to larger packages by paying only the difference

best for holiday
2990 Ft

UNLIMITED - 1 month

contact unlimited pet sitters, directly

access valid 1 month

15% discount each time a sitter is needed

long term collaborations
5990 Ft Ft

UNLIMITED - 6 months

contact unlimited pet sitters, directly

access valid 6 months (4 months free)

15% discount each time a sitter is needed

long term collaborations
11900 Ft Ft

UNLIMITED - 12 months

contact unlimited pet sitters, directly

access valid 12 months (8 months free)

15% discount each time a sitter is needed

discount code:

What do these packages support?

We want to be here each time you need a pet sitter and to give you the best experience.

Access packages helps us to build a sustainable platform and facilitates quality assurance, operational and support activities.

  • We make sure the pet sitters are trustworthy. We verify the identity of each of them and we perform phone interviews.
  • Our support team is available when you need help.
  • We cover the costs of adminitration, development and improvement of the platform, as well as notifications, maintenance and hosting.
  • We want to help as many dog and cat shelters with donations
  • Develope more partnerships and marketing channels
  • Available soon: insurance for accidents and emergencies

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